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highly dispersed中文是什么意思

用"highly dispersed"造句"highly dispersed"怎么读"highly dispersed" in a sentence


  • 高度分散的
  • 高度弥散的
  • 高度弥散高度色散
  • 高度色散的


  • But the existing data of bird impact are highly disperse , so that they do less help for the design of windshield and also cost more to experimental work
  • Independent director system originate from america and great britain western developed country , " inside people control " issue produce to appear because the stock right is highly dispersed
  • In this paper , a simple and novel process has been developed for the preparation of uniform carbon - covered alumina via pyrolysis of sucrose highly dispersed on the surface of alumina
  • Catalyst for ethanol synthesis . the results show that the reactive metals rh and mn are fixed on the catalyst surface by the interaction with si - oh , which can enhance the stability of highly dispersed metals . rh and mn interact with each other to form the acitve site with high ethanol synthesis activity . the surface si - oh was found to be of significance on the preparation of catalyst with high catalytic activity
用"highly dispersed"造句  
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